Friday, September 9, 2011

The Amazon Kindle 2 Review

The electronic book reader should be considered the wave of the future and the Kindle 2 is no exception. The basic features include an e-Ink screen with 16 shades of grey, 6 different type sizes (good-bye reading glasses!) and a 10oz light weight. (no more hand cramping for arthritic hands, fingers and wrists!).

The Kindle 2 electronic book reader can hold up to 1500 average sized books and uses wireless technology when connecting to the internet for book downloading and access to Wikipedia. There is no monthly fee for the wireless access or any fee other than the cost of the Kindle 2 and each book. As a matter of fact, most of the Kindle books are priced at about $9.99, which is about $4/book cheaper than the Sony DRM versions on average.

The Kindle 2 also includes text to speech capability for those times when you need for hands for something. I can see this feature as a great help in the kitchen when you're preparing ingredients while the Kindle 2 reads the recipe to you!

In addition to books, you can also download newspapers, magazines and some 1000 blogs. An average book, they say, takes about 60 seconds to download at their fastest speed. There are currently 230,000 titles available for download at Amazon's Kindle Store with more being added everyday.

While Sony offers a very similar product, the Kindle 2 electronic book reader offers more options at a much better price. The advantage of being able to download books without a computer, included chargers (USB and wall charger) access to Wikipedia and newspaper and magazine downloads and the price of individual books is just to much of an advantage over the Sony version.

The one and only downfall of the Kindle 2 electronic book reader is it's lack of an LED light for night reading. However, this omission on the part of Amazon can easily be overcome by purchasing a $15 clip light.

Overall, The Kindle 2 is a clear leader in the electronic book reader genre. Expect it to sell out quickly!

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